
Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu

ELT Main Course Syllabus




Main Course Book: NEW ENGLISH FILE Pre-Intermediate










1st week

(5-9 October)

Unit 1 A

Word order in questions

Common verb phrases

The alphabet


Letters and numbers

Interviewing another student to complete a form


Unit 1 B

Present simple

Describing people: appearance and personality

Final –s/-es

Please date my dad

A dating experiment

Describing a person

Describing yourself

Unit 1 C

Present continuous

Clothes, prepositions of place



An art expert talking about Vermeer and The Milkmaid

Describing a picture


Practical English





Hotel problems /Calling reception



2nd week

(12-16 October)

Unit 2 A

Past simple: regular and irregular verbs


Regular verbs: -ed endings

Passports, tickets, money, phone

Showing interest

Showing interest


Unit 2B

Past continuous

Prepositions of time and place: at, in, on

Weak forms: was, were

That’s me in the picture


Talking about photos

Describing a photo



Unit 2 C

Time sequencers and connectors

Verb phrases

Word stress

One dark October evening

Happy ending or sad ending?

Verb phrases






How to take better holiday photos

Can you understand these people?



3rd week

(19-23 October)

Unit 3 A

Be going to (plans and predictions)


The letter g

No more boring stopovers- go on a guided tour!

No more boring stopovers- go on a guided tour!

What are your plans?


Unit 3 B

Present continuous (future arrangements)

Verbs + prepositions


How organized are you?


How organized are you?

An informal email

Unit 3 C

Defining relative clauses


Silent e

A to z

A to z

Split crossword


Practical English





Restaurant problems



4th week

(26-30 October)


Unit 4 A

Present perfect  + yet, just, already

Housework, make or do?

The letters y and j

Who does what?

The lazy person’s guide to a clean and tidy home

Housework and the cleaning


Unit 4 B

Present perfect or past simple


C and ch

The story of the ice-cream sellers


Have you ever …?


Unit 4 C

Something, anything, nothing, etc.

Adjectives ending -ed and -ing


A boring weekend? Don’t tell anybody?

The history of the weekend

Last weekend






900 new words in three months

Can you understand these people?



5th week

(2-6  November)

(4 November- Quiz 1)

Unit 5 A

Comparative adjectives and adverbs, as … as

Types of numbers

Sentence stress

I want it now!

How has your life changed over the last three years?

How fast is your life?


Unit 5 B

Superlatives (+ ever +present perfect)

Describing a town or city

Sentence stress


What are the most and least honest cities in the World?

What’s the most ….. you have ever …?

Describing where you live

Unit 5 C

Quantifiers, too, not enough

Health and the body


Are they really good and bad?

What do you drink?

Diet and lifestyle


Practical English





Taking something back to a shop



6th week

(9-13  November)

Unit 6 A

Will/won’t (predictions)

Opposite verbs

‘ll, won’t

Why negative thinking can be positive

A radio programme

Are you a positive or negative thinker?


Unit 6 B

Will /won’t (decisions, offers, promises)

Verb + back

Word stress: two-syllable verbs

I’ll never forget you

A news programme about Steve and Carmen

Verb + back


Unit 6 C

Review of verb forms: present, past and future


The letters ea


The meaning of dreaming

Revision questionnaire






The woman who inspired ‘I have a dream’

Can you understand these people?



7th Week

(16-20  November)

Unit 7 A

Uses of the infinitive with to

Verbs + infinitive

Week form of to, linking

How to survive your first day in a new office

Simon and Claire describing their first day at work

How to …?

Writing a “How to survive …” article

Unit 7 B

Uses of the gerund (Verb + ing)

Verbs + gerund

-ing, the letter o

Happiness is …

Bank of happiness

Talking about happiness


Unit 7 C

Have to, don’t have to, must, mustn’t

Adjectives + prepositions: afraid of, etc.

Stress on prepositions

A language learning experiment

Max talking about tests


A formal email

Practical English


Feeling ill



Going to a pharmacy



8th week

(23-27 November)



9th week

(30 Nov.-4 Dec.)

Unit 8 A



Sentence stress

Should I stay or should I go?

Should I stay or should I go?

Asking and answering questions with get


Unit 8 B

First conditional

Confusing verbs


Murphy’s law

Murphy’s law



Unit 8 C

Possessive prouns

Adverbs of manner

Reading aloud

Who’s Vivienne?

Who’s Vivienne?


Writing a short final scene of the story





How to be a queue winner?

Can you understand these people?



10th week

(7-11 December)


Unit 9 A

Second conditional

Animals and insects

Word stress

Would you know what to do?

Facts about the animals or insects

What would you do …?






Unit 9 B

Present perfect + for and since

Phobias and words related to fear

Sentence stress


Listening to people with phobias

Talking about phobias






Unit 9 C

Present perfect or past simple?


Word stress

Like mother like daughter

A famous father and his son

Talking about an older person

A biography






Practical English













Asking how to get there



11th week

(14-18 December)

(16 December- Quiz 2)

Unit 10 A

Expressing movement

Sports, expressing movement

Word stress

Women’s sport


Women’s sport

Writing about an enjoyable activity

Unit 10 B

Word order of phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs


Early birds

A radio programme about getting up early

Early birds


Unit 10 C

The passive

People from different countries



Invented by women

Passives quiz






Bad losers?

Can you understand these people?



12th week

(21 -25 December)


Unit 11 A

Used to

School subjects

Used to/didn’t use to

Fame academy

Did you like school?

Did you like school?


Unit 11 B


Word building: noun formation



Jeans: style and fit

Jeans: style and fit


13th week

(28-31 December)


Unit 11 C

So, neither + auxiliaries

Similarities and differences


Twin strangers

Twin strangers

Talking about similarities


Practical English



On the phone


In central park again



14th week

(4-8 January)

(6 January - Quiz 3)

Unit 12 A

Past perfect

Time expressions

The letter i

Three news stories


Two more  newspaper stories


Unit 12 B

Reported speech

Say or tell?

Double consonants

Blowing in the wind


Reported speech


15th week

(11-15 January)


Unit 12 C

Questions without auxiliaries

Revision of question words

Question words

The English File quiz


General knowledge quiz






Two stories

Can you understand these people?



16th week (18-22 January)



MIDTERM 2 (19th-20th of JANUARY)





2020-2021 SYLLABUS


Main Course Book: NEW ENGLISH FILE Intermediate










1st week

(1-5 March)

Unit 1 A

Present simple and continuous, action and non-action verbs

Food and cooking

Short and  long vowel sounds

Mood food

Food and eating



Unit 1 B

Future forms: present continouos, going to, will/won’t

Family, adjectives of personality

Sentence stress, Word stress, adjective endings

Younger brother or only child?

Linda Blair

Birth order

A description of a person

Practical English


British and American English



Meeting the parents

How awful! How fantastic!


2nd week

(8-12 March)


Unit 2 A

Present perfect and past simple


The letter o

The millioaire with a secret

Are you a spender or a saver?

Spender or  saver?


Unit 2B

Present perfect+for/since, present perfect continous

Strong adjectives






3rd week (15-19  March)



Unit 2B



Sentence stress, stress on strong adjectives

TV pressenter’s Amazon challenge

Changing lives







Life-changing, or is it …?

Can you understand these people?

Short films: Oxfam

An informal letter

4th week

(22-26 March)

24 March Quiz 4

Unit 3 A

Comparatives and superlatives



TopGear Challenge

Which of these are the most (the least) dangerous when you’re driving?

Agreeing and disagreeing

An article for a magazine

Unit 3 B

Articles: a/an, the, no article

Collocation: verb/ adjectives+prepositions

Sentence stress

Men talk just as much as women

Commando Dad

A gossip with the girls?


Practical English


British and American English



A difficult celebrity

Social English phrases


5th week (29 March-2 April)


Unit 4 A

Can, could, be able to

-ed /-ing adjectives

Sentence stress

He’s English but he can speak eleven languages

Tips for students

I’ve never been able to …


Unit 4 B

Modals of obligation: must, have to, should

Phone language

Silent consonants, linking

Mother-in-law from hell … or daughter-in-law from hell?

Miranda İngram

Good manners?

Bad manners?

Not important?






Turn it off!

Can you understand these people?

Short films: Boris Bikes


6th week

(05-09 April)

Unit 5 A

Past tenses: simple, continouos, perfect



If I bounce the ball five times …


Tell your partner about …

Telling a story

Unit 5 B

Usually and used to


Linking, the letter s

Love at Exit 9

A radio programme

Giving examples


Practical English


British and American English



Old friends

Permission and requsets


7th week

(12-16 April)


MIDTERM 3 (13th of APRIL)

8 th week

(19-22 April)

Unit 6 A

Passives (all tenses)


Sentence stress

You are standing in the place where

Famous films

The cinema interview

A film review

Unit 6 B

Modals of deduction: might, can’t, must

The body


What does your profile say about you?

Making deductions

Judging by appearances


9th week

(26-30 April)





Theatrical supersititions

Can you understand these people?

Short films: Iconic film locations


Unit 7 A

First conditional and future time clauses+when, until, etc.


The letter u

Do you want to practise for five hours or six?

Gareth Malone

Agreeing and disagreeing


10th week

(03-07 May)

05 May Quiz 5

Unit 7 B

Second conditional


Sentence stress

Tchaikovsky’s house

Dream house

Dream house

Describing a house or flat

Practical English


British and American English



Boys’ night out

Social English phrases


11th week

(10-14 May)

Unit 8 A

Reported speech: sentences and questions

Shopping, makingnouns from verbs

The letters ai

The king of complainers

A radio cunsumer programme

I want to speak to the manager

A letter of complaint

Unit 8 B

Gerunds and infinitives


Word stress

In the Dragons’ Den

Dragons’ Den products

Talking about a product

A covering email with your CV

12 th week

(17-21 May)





The importance of doing what you love

Can you understand these people?

Short films: Trinity College, Dublin


Unit 9 A

Third conditional

Making adjectives and advers

Sentence stress

The ticket inspector

A question of luck

Talking about luck

The sentence game

13th week

(24-28 May )

26 May Quiz 6

Unit 9 B


Electronic devices, phrasal verbs

Ough and augh, linking

Information overload

Digital detox

Digital detox

A magazine article- advantages and disadvantages

Practical English


British and American English



Unexpected events

Social English phrases


14th week

(31 May- 04 June)


Unit 10 A

Relative clauses: difining and non-defining

Compund nouns

Word stress

Steve Jobs

Great British design icons

Talking about icons

A biography

Unit 10 B

Question tags


Intonation in question tags

May and June

A retired police inspector

Just checking


15th week

(07-11 June)






The icon and the gypsy

Can you understand these people?

Short films: The hound of the Baskervilles


General Revisiion

16th week

(14-18 June)




MIDTERM 4 (15th-16th of JUNE)



FINAL (22nd of JUNE)





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